Why we use no thickeners
Recently, your mustard maker met a woman who was very sad because she can never eat mustard again: She was diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Before she knew this, she was enthusiastic about mustard.
Your mustard maker made her very happy when she told her that she can eat Mustheb mustard without hesitation. Do you want to know why?
Mustard seeds have a high swelling capacity and thicken when mustard is made. That is why we think it is completely unnecessary to add thickening agents to mustard.
Yes, there is indeed mustard that contains thickening agents, e.g. wheat flour. But why? Wheat flour is cheaper than mustard, so the thickeners are used to give the finished mustard a doughy consistency. People with coeliac disease cannot eat such preparation.
And even apart from gluten intolerance, thickeners have no place in mustard! That's how we see it at Mustheb and that's why it's part of Musthebs quality promise.